Simon's Story
Simon had worked in management consulting for a number of years. He wasn't happy, it showed in his work and it also showed in his personal life. As hard as Simon tried to enjoy the work, it left him feeling empty and de-motivated. Simon wasn't sleeping properly, he was drinking far too much alcohol in the evenings and had started to 'lock' himself away from his family and friends. Simon felt that he was failing in life, he thought that he could only achieve his ambitions of owning a house and travelling by working in 'the rat race'.
Simon came to me asking if I could help him with his anger and anxiety, however once we began talking and I began to understand Simon's model of the world it was quickly evident that what needed to change was his career. Every unhappy conversation we had led right back to his job. This was like a huge light bulb moment for Simon, he honestly thought that he had changed as a person and that 'he was loosing his mind'.
Once we understood this and discussed it at length, we talked about what Simon's real goals were. WOW, did he light up when he talked about his passion, it was a privilege being part of his journey - his enthusiasm was infectious*.
We started to focus on how Simon would achieve his real goal, it wasn't going to be an overnight change, it took a three year plan to achieve this. We talked about how he would go about making the change, in easy to achieve bites - because Simon still had to continue working as a management consultant for a year or so whilst he re-trained.
Once we removed unhelpful thinking, unhelpful emotions and changed his motivation, Simon was off and running. We moved the appointments to monthly (with the odd email here and there making sure Simon kept moving forward), then two monthly.
Simon came to see me over seven years ago now and I'm happy to say that his career has changed, his outlook on life has changed and he has his dream job and a home.
* It is worth saying that I get so much from everyone that I support no matter what they come to see me about. Thank you x